Trends of Filler Word Use Among America Adults

In a comprehensive study conducted by YouGov researchers, the prevalence and perception of filler word usage among American adults in professional environments were investigated. The findings revealed that nearly half (48%) of Americans perceive the use of filler words, such as “umm” or “like,” unnecessarily in a work setting as unprofessional. However, this perception varies significantly … Read more

Credible Stop Saying Filler Words App Instructional Video

credible speech coaching app

Credible, a speech coaching app, aims to help you eliminate filler words from your communication. This app can be a valuable tool in your journey to becoming a more confident and impactful speaker. Here is an instructional video on how to use Credible as your personal speech coach. The set up is simiple. Transcript Welcome … Read more

Becoming Aware of Filler Word Use

Be aware of filler words use

Effective communication is a key skill of success. One very common issue that often impedes clear and concise communication is the use of filler words. These seemingly innocuous verbal crutches, such as “um,” “uh,” “like,” “basically,” and “you know,” can diminish the impact of your message and undermine your credibility as a speaker. The first … Read more

Sign Up To Become A Tester

Become a tester for Credible app

We are looking for people to test our communications coaching app Credible in TestFlight.  Credible listens to your conversations and provides real time feedback on filler word use. To sign up to be a beta tester, please fill out the following form below. Once you have submitted the form, we will review your information and send you … Read more

Reducing The Use Of Undesired Speaking Patterns

Phone showing credible app

Filler words, such as “uh,” “um,” and “ah,” are often inserted unconsciously in a speech to fill pauses. While fillers may not significantly detract from the content of the message being conveyed, they can make the speaker appear less confident or professional, reducing the speaker’s credibility with the audience. The primary cause for the frequent … Read more

The Power of Effective Communication: How Credible App Can Help You Improve Your Skills

The Importance of Communication Skills Effective communication is a necessary skill in today’s professional world, where networking, collaboration, and teamwork are vital to success. Communication skills can make or break your career, whether you are a manager, an entrepreneur, or an employee. The ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly, listen actively, and convey … Read more

Using Wearables to Improve Your Speech and Enhance Your Career

Do you ever find yourself struggling to communicate effectively in the workplace? Perhaps you stumble over your words or use filler words like “um” and “like” too frequently. These vocal disfluencies can be a hindrance to clear communication and may even hold you back in your career. Fortunately, technology can help. Wearables and Vocal Disfluencies … Read more