Reducing The Use Of

Undesired Speaking Patterns: A Guide

Filler words, such as “uh,” “um,” and “ah,” are often used unconsciously to fill pauses in speech. While they might not significantly detract from your message, they can make you appear less confident or professional, thus reducing your credibility with your audience. Directions for addressing this issue include recognizing that frequent filler word usage often stems from nervousness, speaking too quickly, or insufficient preparation.



The first step to reducing filler words is becoming aware of their use. This can be challenging as it’s difficult for speakers to notice their own speaking patterns. Observations and feedback from mentors, colleagues, or professional speaking coaches can help. Alternatively, reviewing recordings or transcripts of your speech can provide insights into your filler word usage.



Real-time feedback is particularly effective. Professional speech coaches recommend this method as it allows immediate practice and adjustment of speaking patterns. Smartphones and smartwatches equipped with microphones can detect and provide feedback on your speech, much like smart home devices respond to voice commands.



After becoming aware of filler word usage, the next step is training to replace fillers with silent pauses or a slower speaking pace. Speech therapists and speaking coaches often use techniques like habit reversal or competing response training. This involves practicing substitute habits to replace unwanted ones, such as filler words.



The first step to reducing filler words is becoming aware of their use. This can be challenging as it’s difficult for speakers to notice their own speaking patterns. Observations and feedback from mentors, colleagues, or professional speaking coaches can help. Alternatively, reviewing recordings or transcripts of your speech can provide insights into your filler word usage.

woman giving speech
Women having a conversation and giving directions



Real-time feedback is particularly effective. Professional speech coaches recommend this method as it allows immediate practice and adjustment of speaking patterns. Smartphones and smartwatches equipped with microphones can detect and provide feedback on your speech, much like smart home devices respond to voice commands.



After becoming aware of filler word usage, the next step is training to replace fillers with silent pauses or a slower speaking pace. Speech therapists and speaking coaches often use techniques like habit reversal or competing response training. This involves practicing substitute habits to replace unwanted ones, such as filler words.

Woman using credible app in her phone

Using Technology for

Speech Improvement

Smartphones and smartwatches can serve as real-time feedback-based intervention systems. Here’s how:

Phone and applewatch with the Credible app open
Phone and applewatch with the Credible app open

Haptic Feedback

Smartwatches use haptics (vibrations or other tactile sensations) to provide discreet feedback. This method can reinforce awareness and help you adjust your speaking patterns without the need for another person.

Microphone Detection

These devices can detect ambient conversations and provide immediate feedback, alerting you to filler words as they occur.

Microphone Detection

These devices can detect ambient conversations and provide immediate feedback, alerting you to filler words as they occur.

Haptic Feedback

Smartwatches use haptics (vibrations or other tactile sensations) to provide discreet feedback. This method can reinforce awareness and help you adjust your speaking patterns without the need for another person.

Practical Application

By leveraging smartphone and smartwatch technology, you can achieve personalized speech training that provides:


Real-time detection of filler words.


Haptic feedback to reinforce awareness and prompt adjustments.


Techniques and exercises to practice replacing filler words, similar to what a professional speech coach would provide.

A smartphone/smartwatch real-time feedback system offers an effective way to reduce filler word usage and improve your speaking patterns. By providing immediate feedback and helping you retrain your speech, these methods can help you become a more fluent, confident, and professional speaker.


Seals DR, Coppock ME. We, um, have, like, a problem: excessive use of fillers in scientific speech. Adv Physiol Educ. 2022 Dec 1;46(4):615-620. doi: 10.1152/advan.00110.2022. Epub 2022 Sep 8. PMID: 36074921.

DeThorne L, Aparicio Betancourt M, Karahalios K, Halle J, Bogue E. Visualizing Syllables: Real-Time Computerized Feedback Within a Speech-Language Intervention. J Autism Dev Disord. 2015 Nov;45(11):3756-63. doi: 10.1007/s10803-014-2274-8. PMID: 25344794.

Montes, C.C., Heinicke, M.R., Guendulain, M.A. and Morales, E. (2021), A component analysis of awareness training for reducing speech disfluencies. Jnl of Applied Behav Analysis, 54: 770-782

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