Stop Saying
& Other Filler Words
Credible listens to you and buzzes your wrist when you say “like,” “um,” “you know” or any other filler word.

Speak Clearly
Reducing the use of filler words help others hear your message..
Communicate Effectively
Others pay attention when you speak with confidence.
Enhance Career
Promoting your ideas will help advance your career.
Make A Good Impression
Overusing “like” makes you sound kinda dumb, you know? It can weaken your message and make you seem unsure of yourself. Cutting back can help you sound credible®, sharper and more confident.

Credible Is Used For
Use Credible while speaking with friends to be taken seriously.
Credible Is Used For
Speaking is more important than your AI generated cover letter.
Credible Is Used For
Having real conversations with people at work or on sales
Credible Is Used For
Use Credible while speaking with friends to be taken seriously.
Speaking is more important than your AI generated cover letter.
Having real conversations with people at work or on sales
Successful Communications
Communication skills are essential to career success. Effective communication helps you effectively share your ideas, build relationships, and solve problems.
The overuse of fillers make it difficult for the listener to understand what you are trying to say. In fact, research has shown that the overuse of filler words can make a speaker sound less confident and less competent.