Where “Like” Came From And Why Its So Hard To Get Rid Of

Valley girl where like came from

Latest Insights from Credible

Filler Word Frustration to Credible: Empowering Clear Communication Campbell Conard Founders Story

Throughout high school and college, my parents and teachers often told me to “stop saying like!” I noticed I wasn’t alone, and my peers constantly overused filler words too. Words like “um,” “like,” and “you know” have crept into our conversations and presentations, subtly

Girls conversating

Top 5 Speech Coaching Apps

Unwanted “umms” and “likes” plaguing your presentations, conversations, and interviews? There are a few options available on the Apple App Store. Here, we compare 5 popular speech coaching apps. The Top 5 Speech Coaching Apps: The Challenge of Filler Words: Let’s face it. You’re