The ABC's
of filler words

Lessons on reducing crutches: Explore various types of verbal crutches through YouTube videos, specialized articles, and relevant studies. Discover the most common ones and learn how to minimize their overuse for clearer and more effective communication.

how to stop saying like Lauren Sergy
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How to stop saying “Like” every third word (or ‘uh’..or ‘ah’…or ‘um’…or ‘y’know’…)

Are you one of the many, many people who “like” a little too much? Like, you pepper your speech with “like” so often it practically stands in for, like, a comma? Or maybe there is another filler noise that’s messing up your verbiage – the infamous uh, um, and ah , or perhaps their pernicious … <a title="How to stop

Communicating Effectively with Executives lesson
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5 Rules for Communicating Effectively with Executives

You can be the brightest and most skilled team member at work but without having the ability to connect effectively with other professionals, especially with the higher ups, real talk is… you will probably never land that promotion you’ve been working so hard for.

Killer words

Killer Words: The costly business problem no one ever notices

What I am about to share with you, you have never heard about before and it’s a killer. But let’s start with what you have heard.Imagine if you wrote this way: “I, uh, want to talk to you, um, today about the newest, ah, well, trend that we, uh, like, see in the world of…

Filler words to avoid
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How To Stop Saying Um and Other Filler Words to Avoid

How To Stop Saying Um: Why do we use filler words? Speech fillers such as “like” “um” “you know” “uh” can be very distracting in public speaking because they take away from the message you want to convey to your audience. In this lesson, I give you speech delivery tips focused on…

Practicing to stop saying like

How to Stop Saying ‘Like’ (and Other Distracting Filler Words)

Unfortunately, overusing crutch words can affect your credibility. If you’ve ever listened to someone, like, pepper everything they say with, like, a never-ending litany of likes, ums, or ahs, you know it can be distracting and—whether fair or not—can diminish what they’re saying.

Lessons from the distilled man filler words
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How to Stop Saying “Um”, “Like”, and “You Know”

Many of us use filler words like “um”, “like”, and “you know” without even realizing it. Whether you’re giving a presentation or talking to your friends, overusing filler phrases can make you seem less intelligent or less confident. It’s sad that such a superficial thing can distract from an otherwise compelling message, but it’s just … <a title="How to Stop

Start Speaking Effectively

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