Latest Insights from Credible

Credible is dedicated to helping people improve their communication skills in all areas of their lives. Whether you’re looking to communicate more effectively at work, in your relationships, or in your personal life, or get better at public speaking, we’ve got you covered. We’ll share tips and advice on a wide range of communication topics.

  • Top 5 Communications Coaches for Career Advancement on Social Media in 2024

    Top 5 Communications Coaches for Career Advancement on Social Media in 2024

    Clear communication consistently ranks as the #1 career skill. But where do you find great communications coaches for actionable advice to hone these skills and advance your career? Look no further than social media! These influencers are creating the most valuable content for anyone who wants to be a stellar communicator. 1. Raele Altano –… Read More

  • The Power of Communication: A Strategic Investment for B2B Communication Training

    The Power of Communication: A Strategic Investment for B2B Communication Training

    Communication is far more than a soft skill – it’s a strategic lever for driving revenue, fostering collaboration, and establishing trust. Communication training is an essential investment for any HR department to make in their sales and executive teams. The Data-Backed Impact A McKinsey study has revealed that teams that prioritize and enhance their communication… Read More

  • 3 Things You Must Do To Improve Your Career

    3 Things You Must Do To Improve Your Career

    In today’s competitive job market, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve to achieve success. Whether you’re just starting out or have been climbing the corporate ladder for years, implementing these three key strategies can dramatically enhance your professional trajectory. Enhancing your career requires a combination of guidance, effective communication, and a strong professional… Read More

  • Top 5 Speech Coaching Apps

    Top 5 Speech Coaching Apps

    Unwanted “umms” and “likes” plaguing your presentations, conversations, and interviews? There are a few options available on the Apple App Store. Here, we compare 5 popular speech coaching apps. The Top 5 Speech Coaching Apps: The Challenge of Filler Words: Let’s face it. You’re never going to practice speaking. And, even if you did, an… Read More

  • Stop Saying “So”: 5 Filler Words Killing Your B2B Sales Pitch

    Stop Saying “So”: 5 Filler Words Killing Your B2B Sales Pitch

    Ever zoned out during a meeting filled with “um,” “like,” and “you know”? Those filler words are productivity vampires, sucking the punch out of presentations and denting your credibility. In B2B sales, clear communication is crucial, and these speech crutches can leave you sounding unprofessional, especially for younger salespeople like Gen Z who might already… Read More

  • Where “Like” Came From And Why Its So Hard To Get Rid Of

    Where “Like” Came From And Why Its So Hard To Get Rid Of

    The “like” trend has its roots in the 1970s, originating in a dialect called Valleyspeak in California’s San Fernando Valley. It was characterized by excessive use of “like” as a filler word, replacing “says” with “goes,” and frequent use of “I mean.” While its usage has become more widespread across age groups, overusing “like” is… Read More

  • The Many Meanings of the Word “Like” Annoying and Useful

    The Many Meanings of the Word “Like” Annoying and Useful

    The word “like” has a wide range of meanings, from expressing attraction to comparing two things. Originally, there were only two meanings of the word: the Old English verb “to feel attracted towards” and the Old English adjective “similar to.” However, over time, four more meanings of the word have emerged. One way the word… Read More

  • Excessive Likes Have Been With Us Since Before the Valley Girl

    Excessive Likes Have Been With Us Since Before the Valley Girl

    In 1982, Frank Zappa, known for his unconventional music and social commentary, released a song that unexpectedly became his only Top 40 hit: “Valley Girl.” The song, featuring his then-14-year-old daughter, Moon Unit Zappa, took aim at the stereotypical speech patterns and materialism associated with California’s San Fernando Valley teenagers. While the song might sound… Read More

  • Trends of Filler Word Use Among America Adults

    Trends of Filler Word Use Among America Adults

    In a comprehensive study conducted by YouGov researchers, the prevalence and perception of filler word usage among American adults in professional environments were investigated. The findings revealed that nearly half (48%) of Americans perceive the use of filler words, such as “umm” or “like,” unnecessarily in a work setting as unprofessional. However, this perception varies… Read More