Latest Insights
from Credible

Credible insights are dedicated to helping you enhance your communication skills across all areas of life, from personal interactions to professional settings. Whether you’re looking to communicate more effectively at work, strengthen your relationships, or boost your public speaking confidence, our resources offer valuable guidance. For more detailed tips and strategies, explore our features where we dive deeper into the tools that can help you achieve your communication goals.

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Presenting new project beautiful female business professional standing in front of clipboard and sharing her ideas with her colleagues at business meeting good communication skills

Communication Skills: The Key to Career Success

In today’s competitive job market, how you speak and communicate can significantly impact your career prospects. Recent statistics reveal a growing concern among hiring managers about the communication skills of Gen Z college graduates. In August, surveyed 966 business leaders involved in hiring

Speak Up Develop Your Executive Presence and Leadership Communication Style Podcast

Podcast Interview: Stop Sounding Like You’re 14 Years Old and Have Zero Executive Presence

In the latest episode of Speak Up: Develop Your Executive Presence & Leadership Communication, host Laura Camacho delves into the often overlooked yet impactful issue of filler words in professional communication. Her guest, Campbell Conard, a young inventor and founder, shares insights on how

Social Impact: Connection, Communication through Innovation

Campbell Conard’s Interview with Eric Dye Listen to Campbell Conard speak with Eric Dye of EPN about Credible and improving the speaking skills of younger professionals. Transcript of the Interview Host: You are listening to Enterprise Radio on the signature show of the Enterprise Podcast Network featuring

Filler Word Frustration to Credible: Empowering Clear Communication Campbell Conard Founders Story

Throughout high school and college, my parents and teachers often told me to “stop saying like!” I noticed I wasn’t alone, and my peers constantly overused filler words too. Words like “um,” “like,” and “you know” have crept into our conversations and presentations, subtly

Woman speaking in public

Top 5 Communications Coaches for Career Advancement on Social Media in 2024

Clear communication consistently ranks as the #1 career skill. But where do you find great communication coaches for actionable advice to hone these skills and advance your career? Look no further than social media! These influencers are creating the most valuable content for anyone

Woman doing a communication trainning

The Power of Communication: A Strategic Investment for B2B Communication Training

Communication is far more than a soft skill – it’s a strategic lever for driving revenue, fostering collaboration, and establishing trust. Communication training is an essential investment for any HR department to make in their sales and executive teams. The Data-Backed Impact A McKinsey

Start Speaking Effectively

If you want to succeed in your career, it is important to develop strong communication skills. Sound Credible App will help you with real time feedback.