Where “Like” Came From And Why Its So Hard To Get Rid Of

Valley girl where like came from

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woman complaining on the use of filler word "like"

The Many Meanings of the Word “Like” Annoying and Useful

The word “like” has a wide range of meanings, from expressing attraction to comparing two things. Originally, there were only two meanings of the word: the Old English verb “to feel attracted towards” and the Old English adjective “similar to.” However, over time, four

Stop Saying “So”: 5 Filler Words Killing Your B2B Sales Pitch

Ever zoned out during a meeting filled with “um,” “like,” and “you know”? Those filler words are productivity vampires, sucking the punch out of presentations and denting your credibility. In B2B sales, clear communication is crucial, and these speech crutches can leave you sounding